Mission & Vision

Our mission is to CONNECT people together (Haitian and foreigner alike), SHARE (resources, ideas, faith, etc...) and to do so in a way that builds  DIGNITY and RESPECT.

"We are blessed to be serving the people of Haiti and to be learning from them in the process..."

People to Know....

I have been incredibly fortunate in my life to never have to experience the difficulties I see in Haiti every time I am there. I can’t imagine what it’s like to go hungry, to not know how I am going to feed or care for my children, to be willing to work but not have opportunities for employment, etc...


With these, and many other situations in mind, we felt led to form Hearts United.  Not to force change upon anyone, but to walk alongside those God leads us to.  To share life with them - just like Jesus did.  Like the great missionary, Paul did.  And, in the process to grow together in our relationships with one another and, most importantly, with God.

 I consider myself blessed that, through you, we are able to invest in our Haitian missionaries and ministry partners so that they, in turn, can invest in their brothers and sisters as God designed. Thank you! 

what really helps

Over the years we have seen the negative effects that well-intentioned aide can have if not done responsibly.  Living among (and learning from) the Haitian people has shown us much about what is truly helpful.

our story

God prepared the way before the organization was formed and He has been guiding, directing and teaching us since  

- Crystal Funk      

(founder/executive director)

Hearts United with Haiti